Gonzalo Higuain, Karim Benzema - Real Madrid
Gonzalo Higuain dirumorkan bakal angkat kaki dari Real Madrid pada musim panas ini akibat kurangnya jatah bermain sebagai starter pada musim lalu, di mana ia hanya 28 kali turun sejak menit pertama dari total 52 laga yang dilakoninya dengan Los Blancos.
Gonzalo Higuain, Karim Benzema - Real Madrid
Gonzalo Higuain rumored would withdraw from Real Madrid this summer due to lack of quota to play as a starter last season, where he dropped only 28 times since the first minute of a total of 52 games played with Los Blancos.
Gonzalo Higuain rumored would withdraw from Real Madrid this summer due to lack of quota to play as a starter last season, where he dropped only 28 times since the first minute of a total of 52 games played with Los Blancos.
Apalagi penyerang Argentina itu pun tak kekurangan peminat. Paris Saint-Germain dan Juventus diyakini sangat berhasrat mendatangkannya. Higuain bahkan disebut Javier Pastore, rekan senegaranya yang bermain untuk PSG, telah menjalin kontak dengan Les Parisiens.
Moreover, the Argentine striker was no shortage of takers. Paris Saint-Germain and Juventus believed to be very eager to bring it. Higuain even called Javier Pastore, who played for fellow PSG, has been in contact with Les Parisiens.
“Sekarang di sedang bersama tim nasional Argentina dan saya berharap dia akan bertahan,” tukas Benzema.
Nevertheless, Karim Benzema, friends teammate El Pipita at the Santiago Bernabeu, says unequivocally that the 24-year player had no intention to abandon Madrid jersey.
"Now in Argentina was with the national team and I hope he will survive," said Benzema.
“Dia tak memiliki intensi untuk pergi, tidak ke PSG ataupun ke klub lainnya. Dia mesti beristirahat karena dia pemain yang sangat penting untuk kami,” imbuh pemain yang tengah menjalani tugas negara bersama Prancis di Euro 2012 ini.
"She has no intention to leave, not to PSG or to other clubs. He had to rest because he is a very important player for us, "added the player who is on duty with the French state in this Euro 2012.
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